Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Gomplayer Beats Wimpy for Viewing FLV files

The results are in my friend! After testing the often touted Wimpy Player to watch an FLV, and in my humble opinion it is officially inferior to Gomplayer (

How did I come to this conclusion? Two basic factors:

  1. In Gomplayer I am able to increase the speed of the video while maintaining correct pitch. Useful for “speed-watching” educational material -- you can speed up less important sections by pressing the "C" key, slow back down with the "X" key and return to normal speed with the "Z" key. My hand is near these keys at all times!
  2. Gomplayer smoothes/anti-aliases the edges in the media files, making things nicer to watch in full screen.

That’s all for now! Any subsequent developments will be documented here.

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